Patrick and Allegra both arrived at 10:30am Wednesday morning- in opposite terminals. We parked at Allegra's terminal, and promptly received a message from Patrick that he landed early. So we booked it across LAX international airport and made it just in time to wait for him. We had the best sign. We stood in front of all the other sign holders, so as to have the best position.
Those poor sissy sign holders, having to be outshone by our clearly superior sign.
And there he was! We had a completely surreal moment, this being the first time the 3 of us had been together in 6 years. Then Allegra called from baggage claim. The running commenced. With Patrick in tow, we ran shamelessly across the airport, sign in the air, yelling for Allegra, when we could breathe. Totally in shape. Totally.
Allegra's sweet sign
Then we finally found Allegra outside with her bags... the moment was surreal to say the least.
Excitedly we packed up all of our baggage and quickly headed for ALi's apartment. We dropped off our stuff and departed almost immediately for rehearsal. Luckily we all had time to explore our performance/rehearsal space at MiMoDa Jazzo Studio before we began.
A big thank you to Yasha at the Mimoda Jazzo Studio
for allowing us to use such a beautiful space
Our first rehearsal consisted of going through the canovaccio and discussing it, starting to choreograph the more acrobatic scenes, and beginning some Lazzi. We realized quickly how much more technical warm-up and commedia games we would need to do before rehearsing. Liam met us with us at ALi's church, our other rehearsal space, in the afternoon. This was a magical moment... for the first time in six years we were all in a room together playing and devising.
Day two began early at ALi's church. They were kind enough to allow us to use the enormous gymnasium that also has a stage in it and really any other room that was free was open for us to utilize. The best part was... we were allowed to full use of the kitchen where we could take short breaks to make lunch and dinner.When you are counting your pennies it is good to have a place to cook your own food.
Makin' some sammiches...
The morning we used to get into our bodies and re find our commedia techniques through games and interviews of each character. We began to improvise some of the lazzi and add to our script. When we got home that night we made Yard Sale signs to advertise for Saturday's fundraiser. We had some Magnum chocolate ice cream bars to celebrate the finish to a busy but productive day.
Day three started with canvassing the city. We left flyers at every theatre, cafe and studio we could find open. Allegra, Patrick, and Dory were a little distracted at Hollywood and Vine. They made their way down the walk of stars waiting for the flyers to be printed in the early morning.
We rehearsed and practiced technique until midnight. At this point the show can be run and pieces can be worked over and over again for specificity and cleanliness. Tomorrow we have the Yard Sale at 8 am. We will be rising early (around 6:30) to start our day. Such is the life of the artist... love love love!!